Select Publications


Healthy Relationship Education and Teen Pregnancy Prevention

Barbee, A. P., Cunningham, M. R., Antle, B. F., Langley, C. N. (2022). Impact of a relationship-based intervention, Love Notes, on teen pregnancy prevention. Family  Relations.

Barbee, A. P., Cunningham, M. R., Antle, B. F., Langley, C., & *Purdy, L. (2022). Romantic relationship dynamics among adolescent African American and African refugees living in the U.S. Personal Relationships, 29(1), 77-99.

Barbee, A. P., Cunningham, M. R., van Zyl, M. A., Antle, B. F., & Langley, C. N. (2016). Impact of two teen pregnancy prevention interventions on condom and birth control use: A three-arm, cluster randomized control trial. American Journal of Public Health Special Supplement on Teen Pregnancy Prevention, 106(S1), S85-S90.

Langley, C., Barbee, A. P., Antle, B., Christensen, D. N, Archuleta, A. J., Sar, B. K., Karam, E., van Zyl, M. A., Cunningham, M. R. & Borders, K. (2015). Enhancement of Reducing the Risk for the 21st Century: Improvement to a curriculum developed to prevent teen pregnancy and STIs. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 10, 40-69.

Antle, B.F., Ellers, F., Sar, B.S., & Christensen, D.C, Barbee, A.P., & van Zyl, M.A. (2013). The effectiveness of Within My Reach relationship training on relationship skills and outcomes for low-income adults. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 39, 346-357.

Antle, B.F., Sullivan, D.J., Dryden, A.A., Karam, E.A., & Barbee, A.P. (2011). Promoting healthy relationships among high risk youth. Children and Youth Services Review, 33 (1), 173-179.

Use of Implementation Science to Ensure Fidelity and Improve Chance of Positive Outcomes

Barbee, A. P., Antle, B. F., Langley, C., Cunningham, M. R., Whiteside, D., Sar, B.K., Archuleta, A., Karam, & Borders, K. (2021). How to ensure fidelity in implementing an evidence- based teen pregnancy prevention curriculum. Children and Youth Services Review, 129,

Antle, B., Sullivan, D., Barbee, A. P. & Karam, E. (2015). Training fidelity as an important precursor for outcomes of relationship education programs. Professional Development: The International Journal of Continuing Social Work Education, 18, 16-24.

Owen, J., Antle, B., & Barbee, A. P. (2014). Does adherence to relationship education curriculum relate to participants’ outcomes? Couple and Family Psychology: Research and Practice, 3, 99-109.

Owen, J., Antle, B., & Barbee, A. P. (2013). Alliance and group cohesion in relationship education. Family Process, 52, 465-476.

Predictors of Positive Outcomes

Antle, B. F., Barbee, A. P., Sar, B. K., Sullivan, D. J. & *Tarter, K. (2020). Exploring relational and parental factors for permanency outcomes of children in care. Families in Society, 101(2), 132-147.

Barbee, A. P. (2017). Attachment overcomes trauma: The theoretical context of the movie, Lion. Journal of Family Theory and Review, 9(4), 619-623.

Antle, B., Johnson, L., & Barbee, A. P. (2009). Fostering interdependent versus independent living in youth aging out of care through healthy relationships. Families in Society. 90, 309-315.

Conflict and Intimate Partner Violence Predictors and Prevention

Antle, B. F., Karam, E., Barbee, A. P., Sullivan, D., *Minogue, A. & *Glover, A. (2020). Intergenerational transmission of intimate partner violence and its impact on adolescent relationship attitudes: A qualitative study.  Journal of Loss and Trauma, 25(1), 1-21.

Antle, B.F., Barbee, A.P, Owen. J., Ness, E., & *Minogue, A. (2019).  Gender differences in satisfaction with and benefits from a healthy relationships program to prevent intimate partner violence. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 24(4), 322-338.

Antle, B.F., Karam, E.A., Christensen, D.N., Barbee, A.P., & Sar, B.S. (2011). The effectiveness of healthy relationship education to reduce intimate partner violence. Journal of Family Social Work, 14, 1-21.

Antle, B.F, Barbee, A.P., Bledsoe, L., & Yankeelov, P. (2010). A qualitative evaluation of the effects of mandatory reporting on victims and their children. Journal of Family Social Work.13, 56-73.

Bledsoe, L., Sar, B. K., & Barbee, A. P. (2006). Impact of coordinated response to domestic violence on offender accountability. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment and Trauma, 11, 111-131.

Bledsoe, L., Yankeelov, P. A., Barbee, A. P., Antle, B. F. (2004). Understanding the impact of domestic violence mandatory reporting. Violence Against Women: An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 10, 534-560.

Cunningham, M.R., Shamblen, S.R., Barbee, A. P., & Ault, L. K. (2005). Social allergies in romantic relationships: behavioral repetition, emotional sensitization, and dissatisfaction in dating couples, Personal Relationships, 12, 273-295.

Cunningham, M. R., Barbee, A. P. & Druen, P. B. (1997). Social antigens and the reactions that they produce: Escalation of annoyance and disgust in love and work (pp. 189-214). In R. Kowalski (Ed.) Aversive Interpersonal Behaviors. New York: Plenum Press.

Social Support

Wilson, S. A., Derlega, V. J., Lewis, R. J., Woody, A., Braitman, A., Barbee, A. P., Winstead, B. (2014). College students’ reactions to the disclosure of HIV test results: Effects of the discloser’s HIV status, sexual orientation, and the research participants’ gender. Journal of Health Psychology, 19, 285-295.

Don, B., Mickelson, K. & Barbee, A. P. (2013). Indirect support seeking and perceptions of spousal support: An examination of reciprocal relationships. Personal Relationships, 20, 655-668.

Derlega, V. J., Winstead, B. A., Oldfield, E.C., & Barbee, A.P. (2003). Close relationships and social support in coping with HIV: A test of sensitive interaction systems theory. AIDS and Behavior, 7, 119-129.

Winstead, B. A., Derlega, V. J., Barbee, A. P., Sachdev, M., Antle, B., Greene, K. (2003). Impact of HIV on close relationships of mothers living with HIV. Journal of Trauma and Loss, 7, 157-184.

Baesler, J., Winstead, B., Derlega, V. & Barbee, A. P. (2003). Prayer as interpersonal coping in the lives of women with HIV. Women and Therapy, 26, 283-295.

Cunningham, M. R., & Barbee, A. P. (2000). Social support in close relationships. In C. Hendricks & S. Hendricks (Eds.). The Close Relationship Sourcebook. Sage Publications.

Derlega, V. & Barbee, A. P. (Editors) (1998). HIV Infection and Social Interaction. Sage Press.

Barbee, A. P., Derlega, V., & Crimshaw, A. (1998). Helpful and unhelpful forms of social support. In V. Derlega & A. P. Barbee HIV Infection and Social Interaction. Sage Publications.

Singer, T.L., Yegidis, B. L., Robinson, M.M., Barbee, A. P., Funk, J. (2001). Faculty in the middle: The effects of family caregiving on organizational effectiveness. Journal of Social Work Education, 37, 295-307.

Barbee, A. P., Rowatt, T. L., & Cunningham, M. R. (1998). When a friend is in need: Seeking, giving, and receiving social support (pp. 281-301). In P. Anderson and L. Guerrero (Ed.) Handbook of Communication and Emotion. San Diego: AP.

Logsdon, C., Birkimer, J., & Barbee, A. P. (1997). Social support providers of postpartum women. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 13, 89-102.

Barbee, A. P., Cunningham, M. R., Druen, P. B. & Yankeelov, P. A. (1996). Loss as a conceptual framework for relationship researchers. Journal of Personal and Interpersonal Loss, 1, 93-108.

Yankeelov, P. A., Barbee, A. P., Cunningham, M. R., Druen, P. (1995). The influence of negative medical diagnoses and verbal and nonverbal support activation strategies on the interactive coping process. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 19,

Barbee, A. P., & Cunningham, M. R. (1995). An experimental approach to social support: Interactive coping in close relationships. Communication Yearbook, 18, 381-413.

Derlega, V., Barbee, A. P., & Winstead, B. (1994). Friendship, gender and social support: Laboratory studies of supportive interactions. In B. Burleson, T. Albrecht, & I. Sarason (Eds.) The Communication of Social Support: Messages, Interactions, Relationships and Community. London: Sage.

Barbee, A. P., Cunningham, M. R., Winstead, B., Derlega, V., Gulley, M. R., Yankeelov, P. A., & Druen, P. B. (1993). The effects of gender role expectations on the social support process. Journal of Social Issues, 44, 173-195.

Cunningham, M. R., Shaffer, D. R., Barbee, A. P., Wolff, P. L., & Kelly, D. (1990). Separate processes in the relation of elation and depression to helping: Social versus personal concerns. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 26, 13-33.

Barbee, A. P., Gulley, M. R., & Cunningham, M. R. (1990). Support seeking in close relationships. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 7, 531-540.

Barbee A. P. (1990). Interactive coping: The cheering up process in close relationships. In S. W. Duck (Ed.), Personal relationships and social support (p 46-65). London: Sage.

Barbee, A. P. (1989). The effects of positive and negative mood on cheering up processes in close relationships: How can I help you when I'm feeling blue? Dissertation Abstracts International: Science and Engineering, 10, 4601.

Relationship Initiation and Sexuality

Cunningham, M. R., & Barbee, A. P. (2008). Prelude to a kiss: Nonverbal flirting, opening gambits, and other communication dynamics in the initiation of romantic relationships (pp. 97-120). In S. Sprecher, A Wenzel & J Harvey(Eds.). Handbook of Relationship Initiation. New York: Psychology Press.

Cunningham, M. R., Ault, L. K., & Barbee, A. P. (2003). Attraction. The International Encyclopedia of Marriage and Family, Second Edition. New York: MacMillan Reference USA.

Cunningham, M. R., Barbee, A.P., & Philhower, C. L. (2001). Dimensions of facial physical attractiveness: The intersection of biology and culture. In G. Rhodes & L. A. Zebrowitz (Eds.). Facial Attractiveness: Evolutionary, Cognitive, and Social Perspectives. London: Ablex.

Cunningham, M. R., Druen, P. B. & Barbee, A. P. (1997). Angels, mentors and friends: Trade-Offs among evolutionary, social and individual variables in physical appearance (pp. 109-140). In J.A. Simpson & D. T. Kenrick Evolutionary Social Psychology. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.

Sprecher, S., Barbee, A. P., & Schwartz, P. (1995) Was it good for you too?: Gender differences in first intercourse experiences Journal of Sex Research, 31, 1-13. (2001). Reprinted in R. Baumeister (Ed.), Social Psychology and Human Sexuality: Essential Readings. Taylor and Francis: Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Cunningham, M. R., Roberts, R., Barbee, A. P., Druen, P. & Wu, C. H. (1995). Beauty in the eyes of different ethnic groups: Consistency and distinctiveness in attractiveness perceptions. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 68, 261-279.

Cunningham, M. R. & Barbee, A. P. (1991). Differential K-selection versus ecological determinants of race differences in sexual behavior. Journal of Research in Personality, 25, 205-217.

Cunningham, M. R., Barbee, A. P., & Pike, C. (1990). What do women want? Facialmetric assessment of multiple motives in the perception of male facial physical attractiveness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 60, 61-72.

Barbee, A. P., Hammock, G. & Richardson, D. (1987). Are sensation seekers attracted to intense or positive stimuli? The importance of "sensation" to research on sensation seeking. Personality and Individual Differences, 8, 441-443.


Hall, M. T., Kelmel, A. B., Huebner, R. A., *Walton, M. T.,  & Barbee, A. P. (2021). Sobriety Treatment and Recovery Teams for families with co-occurring substance use and child maltreatment: A randomized controlled trial. Child Abuse and Neglect, 114,

Logsdon, A. R., Antle, B. F., *Katz, R. S., Barbee, A. P., Kamer, C., & Spriggs, A. (2021). Impact of engagement on child welfare families involved with Family Treatment Drug CourtsJuvenile and Family Court Journal, 72(4). 43-56.

van Zyl, M.A., Barbee, A. P., Cunningham, M. R., Antle, B. F., Christensen, D. & Boamah, D. (2014). Components of the solution based casework child welfare practice model that predict positive child outcomes. Journal of Public Child Welfare: Special Issue on Building, Implementing, & Sustaining Effective Child Welfare Practice, 8, 433-465.

Barbee, A. P. & Cunningham, M. R. (2013). Theoretical models related to child welfare systems and individual child welfare worker practices. White paper written for the Child and Family Policy Center of. Sacramento, CA.

Barbee, A. P. (2013). Commentary on the intersection of child welfare and parents with cognitive/intellectual impairments. CW360°: Special issue on “The Intersection of Child Welfare and Disability: Focus on Parents”, 35.

Antle, B.F., Christensen, D.N., van Zyl, M.A., & Barbee, A.P. (2012). The impact of the Solution Based Casework (SBC) practice model on federal outcomes in public child welfare. Child Abuse and Neglect, 36, 342-353.

Barbee, A. P., Christensen, D., Antle, B. F., Wandersman, A., Cahn, K. (2011). System, organizational, team and individual changes that need to accompany adoption and implementation of a comprehensive practice model into a public child welfare agency. Children and Youth Services Review, 33, 622-633.

Sar, B. K., Barbee, A. P., Antle, B. F. & Bledsoe, L. (2010). Beyond home visitation services: What other services should economically disadvantaged new parents be offered for successful outcomes in safety, permanency, and wellbeing? Children and Youth Services Review, 32, 198-205.

Antle, B.F., Frey, S.E., Sar, B.K., Christensen, D.N., Barbee, A.P, & van Zyl, M.A. (2010). Training the child welfare workforce in healthy couple relationships: An examination of attitudes and outcomes. Children and Youth Services Review, 32, 223- 230.

van Zyl, M. A., Antle, B. F. & Barbee, A. P. (2010). Organizational change in child welfare agencies. In S. Fogel, & M. Roberts-DeGennero (Eds). Empirically Supported Interventions for Community and Organizational Change. New York: Lyceum Books.

Barbee, A. P. & Antle, B. F.(2010). Chafee response: Training of workers and supervisors on independent living. Special Issue on Independent Living. A. Barbee & B. Antle (Eds). Training and Development in Human Services, 5, 5-7.

Barbee, A. P., Taylor, J., Antle, B. F., Sullivan, D. J., Landsman, M. & Gilbaugh, P. (2010). Matrix of the key components in each of the original independent living grantee curricula. Special Issue on Independent Living. A. Barbee & B. Antle (Eds). Training and Development in Human Services, 5. 8-20. Reprinted in Journal of Child and Youth Care Work.

Antle, B. F., Barbee, A. P., & Sullivan, D. J. (2010). Evidence-based supervisor-team independent living training: Kentucky development and implementation. Special Issue on Independent Living. A. Barbee & B. Antle (Eds). Training and Development in Human Services, 5. 53-66. Reprinted in Journal of Child and Youth Care Work.

Antle, B. F., Sullivan, D. J., Barbee, A. P., Christensen, D. N. (2009). The effects of training methodology on training transfer. Child Welfare, 88, 5-26.

Antle, B.A., Barbee, A.P., Sullivan, D.J., & Christensen, D. (2009). The prevention of child maltreatment recidivism through the Solution-Based Casework Model of child welfare practice. Children and Youth Services Review, 31,1346-1351.

Antle, B. F., Barbee, A. P. & Van Zyl, M. A. (2009). Supervision in child welfare practice. In C. Potter & C. Brittain (Eds). Supervision in Child Welfare, Oxford Press.

Antle, B. F., Barbee, A. P., van Zyl, M. A. (2008). A comprehensive model for child welfare training evaluation. Children and Youth Services Review, 9, 1063-1080.

Antle, B. F., Christensen, D., Barbee, A. P., Martin, M. (2008). Solution-based casework: A paradigm shift to effective, strengths-based practice for child protection. Special Issue on Evidence Based Practice. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 2, 197-227.

Martin, M. H., Barbee, A. P., Antle, B., & Sar, B. (2002). Expedited permanency planning: Evaluation of the Kentucky Adoptions Opportunities Project (KAOP). Child Welfare: Special Issue on Permanency Planning, 81, 203-224.


Fallat, M., Barbee, A. P., Forest, R, McClure, & M, Henry, K. (2019). Perceptions by families of EMS interventions during imminent pediatric out-of-hospital death. Prehospital Emergency Care, 23(2), 241-248.

Calhoun, A. W., Sutton, E., Barbee, A. P., McClure, B., Bohnert, C., Forest, R., Taillac, P. & Fallat, M. E. (2017). Compassionate Options for Pediatric EMS (COPE): Pilot evidence for a self-debriefing based communication skills intervention. Prehospital Emergency Care, 3, 334-343.

Barbee, A. P., Antle, B. F., Fallat, M., Forest, R., & McClure, M. (2017). EMS treatment of families in an ambiguous out of hospital child death: The role of attributions. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 22(7), 564-576.

Fallat, M., Wright, T. N, & Barbee, A. P. (2017). Communication in pediatric care settings. Pediatric Trauma: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment, Second Edition. Edited by David E. Wesson & Bindi Naik-Mathuria. New York: Taylor & Francis Group.

Barbee, A. P., Fallat, M., Forest, R., McClure, M., Henry, K. & Cunningham, M.R. (2016). EMS perspectives on coping with child death in an out of hospital setting. Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress and Coping, 21, 455-470.

Fallat, M., Barbee, A. P., Forest, R, McClure, M, Henry, K. & Cunningham, M.R. (2016). Family-centered practice during pediatric death in an out of hospital setting. Prehospital Emergency Care, 20(6), 798-807.


Barbee, A. P. & Paul, M. (2020). Workforce development of social workers pre-and post-employment. In Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. Ed. Edward J. Mullen. New Work: Oxford University Press. DOI:10.1093/OBO/9780195389678-0285.

van Zyl, M.A., Barbee, A. P., Cunningham, M. R., Antle, B. F., Christensen, D. & Boamah, D. (2014). Components of the solution based casework child welfare practice model that predict positive child outcomes. Journal of Public Child Welfare: Special Issue on Building, Implementing, & Sustaining Effective Child Welfare Practice, 8, 433-465.

Barbee, A. P. (2009). Workplace relationships. In H. Reis and S. Sprecher (pages 1698-1701). Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Relationships. Oxford: Sage Press.

Cunningham, M.R., Barbee, A.P., Mandal, E. (2009). Hurt feelings and the workplace. In Anita L. Vangelisti (Ed.) Feeling Hurt in Close Relationships. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Robinson, M. M., Barbee, A. P., Martin, M., Yegidis, B., Singer, T. L. (2003). The organizational costs of caregiving: A call to action. Administration in Social Work, 27, 83-102.

Singer, T.L., Yegidis, B. L., Robinson, M.M., Barbee, A. P., Funk, J. (2001). Faculty in the middle: The effects of family caregiving on organizational effectiveness. Journal of Social Work Education, 37, 295-307.

Cunningham, M. R., Wong, D., & Barbee, A. P. (1994), Self-presentational dynamics on pre-employment integrity tests: Experimental studies of the Reid Report Inventory. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79, 643-658.

Workforce Secondary Traumatic Stress

Boamah, D., Barbee, A. P., & Cunningham, M. R. (2022). Risk and protective factors of secondary traumatic stress among direct support professionals working with adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Traumatology.

Boamah, D., & Barbee, A. P. (2022). Prevalence of secondary traumatic stress among direct support professionals in the intellectual and developmental disabilities field. Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 60(4), 273-287.

Barbee, A. P., Fallat, M., Forest, R., McClure, M., Henry, K. & Cunningham, M.R. (2016). EMS perspectives on coping with child death in an out of hospital setting. Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress and Coping, 21, 455-470.

Barbee, A. P. (2012). Social support in the workplace and secondary trauma. Child Welfare CW360°: Child Welfare and Secondary Traumatic Stress.

Pooler, D., Faul, A., Fuller, M., & Barbee, A. P. (2012). An exploration of MSW field education and impairment prevention: What do we need to know? Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 22, 916-927.

Anti-Racism Actions to Eliminate Disproportionality and Disparities of Members of BIPOC Communities in Social Service Systems

Barbee, A. P., Winters, A., & Sterrett-Hong, E. (2022). Approaches from related fields to integrate into anti-racist initiatives in child welfare. Child Welfare Special Issue: Transforming Child Welfare Through Anti-Racist Approaches, 100(1), 1-28.

Barbee, A. P., Fabella, D., & Taylor, G. (2021). Race, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives and Strategies Enacted between 2000 and 2020 in Child Welfare Agencies in California Counties. California Practice Model Leading Edge Newsletter, Sacramento, CA.

Barbee, A. P., & Antle, B. F. (2021). Workforce development strategies to address racial disproportionality and disparities in child welfare systems (285-308). In A. J. Dettlaff (Ed.). Racial disproportionality and disparities in the child welfare system. Child Maltreatment (Contemporary Issues in Research and Policy), vol 11. Springer Press.

Curry, D., & Barbee, A. P. (2011). Addressing disproportionality and disparity with training and professional development. In K Balenger(Ed). Disproportionality and Disparity in Child Welfare. Washington, D. C.: CWLA Press.

Barbee, A. P. & Curry, D. (2011). Resources for addressing issues of prejudice and discrimination which underlie disproportionality and disparities in the child welfare system. In In K Balenger (Ed). Disproportionality and Disparity in Child Welfare. Washington, D. C.: CWLA Press.

Barbee, A. P. (2010). Commentary on article “Various Measurement Instruments for Measuring Disproportionality and Disparities.” For a Special Issue on Disproportionality. E Dorch (Ed). Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, 33, 135-157.

Johnson, L., Antle, B. F., & Barbee, A. P. (2009). Addressing disproportionality and disparity in child welfare: Evaluation of an anti-racism training for community service providers. Children and Youth Services Review. 31, 688-696.


Cunningham, M. R., Druen, P. B., Logsdon, M. C., Dreschler, B. W., Barbee, A. P., Carrico, R. L., Billings, S., & Jones, J. W. (2022). COVID-19 behavioral health mindset, vaccination receptivity, customer service mindset and volunteering to help provide vaccinations. Frontiers in Psychology.

Cunningham, M. R., Druen, P. B., Barbee, A. P., Jones, J. W., & Dreschler, B. W. (2021). Causes and consequences of a coronavirus behavioral health mindset: Demographics, personality, occupational interest and COVID-19 prevention behaviors. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 43(2), 120-140.

Predictors of Retention

Paul, M., & Barbee, A. P. (2020). Umbrella summary: Occupational commitment. Quality Improvement Center for Workforce Development.

Barbee, A.P. & Antle, B. F. (2011). Cost effectiveness of an integrated service delivery model as measured by worker retention. Children and Youth Services Review, 33, 1624-1629.

Yankeelov, P A, Barbee, A. P., Sullivan, D. J. & Antle, B. (2009). Retention of child welfare workers. Children and Youth Services Review. 31, 547-554

Capacity Building, Managing Change and Implementation Science

Richards, T., DeWolfe, Sun, J., & Barbee, A. P. (2021). Child welfare practice improvement efforts: A descriptive study of capacity building services received by courts, states, and tribes. Families in Society, 102(4), 468-484. 

James Bell Associates and ICF. (2020). Building capacity in child welfare: Findings from a five-year evaluation of the Capacity Building Collaborative. Children’s Bureau, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Barbee, A. P. & Richards, T. (2016). Research Brief: What is Organizational Capacity and What Does It Look Like in Child Welfare?. James Bell Associates, Arlington, VA.

Barbee, A. P. & Richards, T. (2017). Research Brief: How Can Organizational Capacity Be Measured?. James Bell Associates, Arlington, VA.

Barbee, A. P. & Richards, T. (2017). Research Brief: How to Build Organizational Capacity. James Bell Associates, Arlington, VA.

Barbee, A. P. Editorial Lead, with DeSantis, J. & Richards, T. (2017). APHSA introduction to special issue “Supporting Change in Child Welfare: An Evaluation of Training and Technical Assistance”: Building capacity in child welfare systems. Training and Development in Human Services, 9, 5-19.

Barbee, A. P., DeWolfe, J., DeSantis, J. & Ahonen, P. (2017). Key findings of a cross-site evaluation of the Children’s Bureau Training and Technical Assistance Network and methodological issues faced. Training and Development in Human Services, 9, 57-84.

Barbee, A. P. & Cunningham, M. R. (2016). Implementation of organizational change during system reform: Usefulness of the Getting to Outcomes framework. CW360°: Child Protection Reform.

Curry, D., Barbee, A. P., Donnenwirth, J., & Lawler, M.J. (2013). Transfer of learning in human services [Special Issue by same Editors]. Training and Development in Human Services, 7, 5-19.

Curry, D. Barbee, A. P., Donnenwirth, J. & Lawler, M. J. (2013). Bibliography: Transfer of learning in human services. Training and Development in Human Services, 7, 112-122.

Barbee, A. P. & Martin, M. L. (2013). Skill-based training and transfer of learning (pages 183-204). In H. Cahalane (Ed.). Contemporary Issues in Child Welfare Practice. New York: Springer.

Barbee, A. P. (2013). Conducting randomized controlled trials in child welfare practice settings: Challenges and solutions. Evaluation Brief. James Bell Associates, Arlington, VA.

Barbee, A. P. (2013). Dissemination and technical assistance: The evolution of resource and training centers. In A. Lieberman and K. Nelson (Eds). Women and Children First: The Contribution of the Children’s Bureau to Social Work Education. Washington, D. C.: CSWE Press. Alexandria, VA.

Barbee, A. P., Antle, B. F., Sullivan, D., Dryden, A. A., & Henry, K. (2012). Twenty-five years of the Children’s Bureau investment in social work education. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 6, 376-389.

Yankeelov, P. A., Barbee, A. P., Barber, G. & Fox, S. (2000). Timing isn't everything, but it can be important. Training and Development in Human Services, 1, 67-81.

Title IV-E Social Work Education Program as an Intervention to Recruit and Select Child Welfare Employees

Barbee, A. P., Rice, C., Antle, B. F., Cunningham, M. R., & Henry, K. (2018). Factors affecting turnover rates of public child welfare front line workers: Comparing cohorts of Title IV-E Program graduates with regularly hired and trained staff. Journal of Public Child Welfare: Special Issue on Title IV-E Outcomes, 12(3), 354-379.

         Reprinted. (2020). Title IV-E Education: Impact on Workers, Case Outcomes and Social Work Curriculum Development. New York: NY: Routledge Press.

Barbee, A. P., Huebner, R., Fox, S., Antle, B. & Sullivan, D. (2009). Recruiting and retaining child welfare workers: Is preparing social work students enough for sustained commitment to the field? Child Welfare, 88, 69-86.

Barbee, A. P., Sullivan, D. J., Antle, B. F., Moran, E. B., Hall, J. C. & Fox, S. (2009). The Public Child Welfare Certification Program: Worker retention and impact on practice. Journal of Social Work Education. 45, 427-445.

Fox, S., Miller, V., & Barbee, A. P. (2003). Finding and keeping child welfare workers: Effective use of Title IV-E training funds. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 7, 67-82.

Fox, S., Burnham, D., Barbee, A. P., Yankeelov, P. (2000). Public school to work: Social work that is! Maximizing agency/university partnerships in preparing child welfare workers. Training and Development in Human Services, 1, 13-20.

On-Line Education

Moore, S. E., Sterrett, E., Golder, S., Faul, A. C., Yankeelov, P. A., & Barbee, A. P. (2015). The journey towards creating an on- line MSW program. Journal of Social Work Education, 51, 1-14.